CONTACT: or or (416) 340-5400
CONTACT: or or (416) 340-5400
Hello, my name is Mark Kagan. With the encouragement
and support of my family, I’m here to share my story
because I need your help. Just a few months ago, I was a healthy, active 66-year-old, enjoying life to its fullest.
I was working fulltime, exercising daily, as well as traveling and spending time with family and friends.
But everything changed when I was diagnosed with a nonalcohol-related, rare liver disease called
Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia (NRH). This condition
has taken a severe toll on my health, to where I can barely walk unassisted. There is no cure for my condition.
My only hope for survival is a liver transplant. While transplants from deceased donors are common, the waiting list is long, and time is not on my side. That’s why I am here searching for a living donor—someone who can help save my life by donating a portion of their liver. I created this website so I can help YOU to help ME. I am strong-willed and plan to make it through this with your help.
Nodular regenerative hyperplasia (NRH) is a condition where the liver develops small lumps which make it hard for blood to flow properly. When blood flow is obstructed, it creates higher pressure in the veins in the liver. This increased pressure is called portal hypertension, and can cause fluid to leak out of the blood vessels into the abdomen. NRH can also affect the liver’s ability to produce proteins like albumin, which helps keep fluid in the blood vessels, so even more fluid leaks into the abdomen. All this fluid is called ascites.
Aside from not being able to make protein, with time the liver is unable to perform other essential functions, such as processing nutrients and filtering toxins from the blood. As the liver becomes increasingly scarred and dysfunctional, it can progress to liver failure. NRH can occur with no clear cause.